Muutama vuosi sitten minulla oli maailman hienoin koira - kaikin puolin. Se tuli minulle kaksivuotiaana kun sille ei oikein löytynyt paikkaa. Muistan vielä sen ensimmäisen kerran, kun näin sen. Olimme Lauttasaaressa illalla kadulla juttelemassa kun tyttäreni oli ollut ulkoiluttamassa koiria. Sain kuulla, että mukana oli ollut yksi oikein kiva koira, jolla ei mennyt kovin hyvin. Se oli kuulemma tolkuton säheltäjä ja hermostuttava, joten sen kanssa oli paljon vaikeuksia. Jostain syystä tykästyin siihen ja sanoin, että se voisi muuttaa meille - siis heti. Niin siinä sitten kävi, että otin Emilin syliini siltä istumalta ja vein kotiin. Ensimmäisenä iltana se ei nukkunut ollenkaan, vaan seisoi sohvalla katsoen ikkunasta ulos katulampun valossa. Seuraavana aamuna lähdimme sitten lenkille ja teimme näin niin monta kertaa päivässä joka päivä, kunnes se ymmärsi, että täällä ollaan. Sitten tilanteeni muuttui niin, että olin paljon maalla, ja Emil reissasi mukanani aina ja kaikkialla, joten esim. jos maalla olin sisällä ja muut koirat ja perhe olivat alhaalla saunalla, Emil istui ja odotti ulkona saunatiellä niin kauan, että minä tulin mukaan ennen kuin se suostui lähtemään leikkimään muiden kanssa. Sitten vähitellen se rupesi kisaamaan. Ensimmäisen kerran se oli Best in Show Kaivopuistossa vuonna 2003 ja viimeisen kerran se oli samassa paikassa BIS ja BIS-veteraani 8-vuotiaana myös Kaivopuistossa. Siihen väliin mahtui paljon hienoja asioita ja onnellisia hetkiä.
Pian sen jälkeen jouduin luopumaan Emilistä suureksi surukseni mutta onneksi sille jäi paljon jälkeläisiä, joista pidetään hyvää huolta ja jotka vuorostaan kisaavat maailmalla erittäin menestyksekkäästi. Olen ylpeä heistä jokaisesta!
Juuri tänään sain kuulla taas, että Emilin poika, Emil Jr. Tsekeistä oli taas voittanut vaikka mitä:
JWW10 DKW10 NW11 Int-Nord-Multi Ch. Dream Catcher Starring Moravia "Emil Jr." did it again!!!
He became #1 BEST IN GROUP 3rd time in a row within 2 weeks at 3 following international shows!!!
#1 Best in Group & #2 Best in Show at Komárom Int. (H) 2012-10-20
#1 Best in Group & #1 Best in Show at Komárom Int. (H) 2012-10-21
#1 Best in Group at Prague Int. (CZ) 2012-11-04 —
For my English speaking friends I will write a bit in English about this.
Some years ago I had the most wonderful dog that ever lived - for me. Emil wasn´t much to look at when he came to me at two years, but after years of good country living, he started his show dog career and became such a good boy in more ways than one. He was very smart. He was a professional. As I wasn´t involved in showing him, he ignored me at the shows. When it was show time, he did his job and never even looked at me until the last round was over. After the last ring, he would jump all over me licking my face as he knew that now we are going home. Unfortunately he only lived to be eight years old but in that time we had a chance to spend very much time together and in addition he became famous. Fortunately he sired many offspring and now so many of his sons, daughters, grandsons and granddaughters are among the very best in the world. This makes me very proud.
The closest to my heart is Emil Jr., in addition to his brother, Julius, who I flew to Prague to bring home too.
Emil Jr. is now winning like his father did and much, much more! It is so good to see how well all these dogs are being kept. I can see people sacrificing a lot to keep their dogs happy, beautiful and comfortable. Such passion and style is wonderful to look at.
If you have once owned such a beautiful animal, it will always stay with you. As it seems, it runs in the family, which I must say that I am very happy about. My granddaughter, now 5 years old, grooms her toy dogs with such precision, it is a wonder to me. She has gone through quite a number of "poodles" as their coat doesn´t grow back but by the time she is at Jr. handler age, she will no doubt give it her all. The Show must go on!
Pian sen jälkeen jouduin luopumaan Emilistä suureksi surukseni mutta onneksi sille jäi paljon jälkeläisiä, joista pidetään hyvää huolta ja jotka vuorostaan kisaavat maailmalla erittäin menestyksekkäästi. Olen ylpeä heistä jokaisesta!
Juuri tänään sain kuulla taas, että Emilin poika, Emil Jr. Tsekeistä oli taas voittanut vaikka mitä:
JWW10 DKW10 NW11 Int-Nord-Multi Ch. Dream Catcher Starring Moravia "Emil Jr." did it again!!!
He became #1 BEST IN GROUP 3rd time in a row within 2 weeks at 3 following international shows!!!
#1 Best in Group & #2 Best in Show at Komárom Int. (H) 2012-10-20
#1 Best in Group & #1 Best in Show at Komárom Int. (H) 2012-10-21
#1 Best in Group at Prague Int. (CZ) 2012-11-04 —
Emil Jr. / Dream Catcher Starring Moravia |
For my English speaking friends I will write a bit in English about this.
Some years ago I had the most wonderful dog that ever lived - for me. Emil wasn´t much to look at when he came to me at two years, but after years of good country living, he started his show dog career and became such a good boy in more ways than one. He was very smart. He was a professional. As I wasn´t involved in showing him, he ignored me at the shows. When it was show time, he did his job and never even looked at me until the last round was over. After the last ring, he would jump all over me licking my face as he knew that now we are going home. Unfortunately he only lived to be eight years old but in that time we had a chance to spend very much time together and in addition he became famous. Fortunately he sired many offspring and now so many of his sons, daughters, grandsons and granddaughters are among the very best in the world. This makes me very proud.
The closest to my heart is Emil Jr., in addition to his brother, Julius, who I flew to Prague to bring home too.
Emil Jr. is now winning like his father did and much, much more! It is so good to see how well all these dogs are being kept. I can see people sacrificing a lot to keep their dogs happy, beautiful and comfortable. Such passion and style is wonderful to look at.
Emil / Lifelong Casanova |
If you have once owned such a beautiful animal, it will always stay with you. As it seems, it runs in the family, which I must say that I am very happy about. My granddaughter, now 5 years old, grooms her toy dogs with such precision, it is a wonder to me. She has gone through quite a number of "poodles" as their coat doesn´t grow back but by the time she is at Jr. handler age, she will no doubt give it her all. The Show must go on!
Like mum, like daughter... |
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