My main purpose to write this blog is to talk about network marketing and why I think it is the best business in the world. Having been involved in the business in many countries in Europe, North and South, USA and Russia, I believe to have some knowledge of how things work and how they don´t work. At the moment I am expanding into other countries and see that this simple business works the same in all countries. People are the same everywhere. Everyone likes to be respected. No one likes something being pushed on them. Smiles bring smiles. If you want results, you need to be focused and work hard taking others into consideration. It is the same in all businesses. First you must learn, then you must practice and when you have practiced long enough, results start coming in. This is what it is in a nutshell.
My first business was a conventional business, where I had a Studio in the centre of Helsinki, an office in the neighbouring Espoo, had a secretary and lots of money tied up in stock that was sitting around most of the time in my premises. In those days I was working 24/7, made lots of money but most of it went right past me because I had to pay the rent for the space I needed, including the wages of staff and stock. So I ended up working about eight months out of a year just to keep the business going.
Granddaughter first time on horseback |
Then one day a colleague introduced network marketing to me with products that everyone - me included - just loved. I had no idea what was going to happen but with a very good upline, they taught me everything and as it turned out, we were all making good money and having the time of our lives. Unfortunately it only lasted for a few years but long enough so that I and many others were able to set up a completely new lifestyle. This lifestyle includes not getting up every day to go to work. Working whenevery you choose to do so. Travelling to interesting places and meeting interesting people. Spending more time with your family doing wonderful things.
Son-in-law taking auntie for a ride! |
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